Sell My Ferrari in Sheffield

Car Buying Service in Sheffield

Scott James of Lytham are a unique car buying service for Classic Cars, Classic Supercars and Modern Supercars, we buy most makes and models including Ferrari, Aston Martin, Porsche, Lamborghini, Lotus, Mercedes, Jaguar, all rare and quality classic and rare cars considered.

Car Sourcing Service in Sheffield

We at Scott James of Lytham can source any make and model of car on your behalf, we have a wide range of contacts throughout the UK, we specialise in prestige and performance cars, classic cars, barn finds, and can supply rare and specialist cars of most makes and models, we offer a finder fee of 10% of the purchase price for anyone who can direct us to our next rare or classic car, please contact us today with any rare or classic car.

We Buy Supercars in Sheffield

As a specialist Supercar Buyer we are always on the lookout for Supercars old and new, contact us today for the very best prices for your Supercar.

We Buy Classic Supercars in Sheffield

Scott James of Lytham are a supercar specialist buyer, whether you have or know where there is a classic supercar Please contact us in confidence and earn yourself 10% finder fee.

We Buy Classic Cars in Sheffield

Have a classic car or know where there is one please contact Barnfind, we buy classic cars, classic sports cars, classic Prestige and luxury cars and offer you 10% finder's fee if we buy the car, it's that simple, find us a classic car if it's worth £50,000 and we buy it, you receive £5000, it really is as simple as that.

We Buy Ferrari in Sheffield

Barnfind Specialist car buyers are currently looking to buy Ferrari cars, no matter the condition and year please contact us today for the very best offer.

We Buy Aston Martin in Sheffield

We at Barnfind are constantly searching for Aston Martin Cars old or new, please contact immediately if you have or know of an Aston Martin that you know of that might be for sale or has been forgotten about. We offer the very best prices and offer 10% finder's fee for anyone who finds us the right car, if we buy it you receive 10 of the buying price for your efforts, please contact us today.

We Buy Porsche in Sheffield

Barnfind Specialist car buyers are currently looking to buy Porsche cars, no matter the condition and year please contact us today for the very best offer.

We Pay You For Finding Cars in Sheffield

Yes, it's simple. From Mini to Ferrari, if you know of a classic supercar or Classic sports car, it may be in storage in a garage or even a Barn call us as Scott James of Lytham, if we buy it, you receive 10% of the buying price, contact us today if you know of any rare cars that may be available.

Car Hunter in Sheffield

We have contacts constantly hunting down classic and sports cars, there's a 10% finder's fee for any car that we buy that you have found on our behalf, contact us now in confidence if you know of any rare car or classic or sports car that may be available, call today!

Rare Car Finder in Sheffield

Find us a rare classic or rare sports car and we will pay you 10% of the price on completion.

Barnfind in Sheffield

If you know of any classic cars stored in barns new or old contact us today in confidence, we are specialist experts in finding rare cars and rare supercars, we are keen buyers of Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Porsche, Lotus, Pagani, Mercedes and all classic specialist cars including Mini, Jaguar, even newer classics including Lotus Cortina Ford Cosworth all classics considered, Try us now!

We operate a unique Car Finder's Fee Referral scheme, Scott James of Lytham operate a unique car finding service by offering the general public the opportunity to earn a considerable finder's fee for finding us rare cars we will offer up to 10% of the value of a vehicle if we buy the car that they have found on our behalf as specialist car finding company we rely on keen eyed car finders who are generally members of the public who may come across a rare care find, it could be in a barn, a garage or unfinished project, a forgotten car left in a garage for 40 years awaiting restoration, on a recent Aston Martin Find we paid a £10.000 finder's fee on a car that we bought at £100,000 we offer to travel nationally for rare classics all we ask is you make contact with your find and we will do the rest.

Supercars For Sale or Return in Sheffield

As a classic car and supercar buyer and seller we can sell your car on your behalf, we remove all the risk and hassle out of selling your car and still give you maximum return.

We have the facility to offer finance to our customers and offer full part exchange facilities and warranty services making your car more appealing to a potential buyer.

If we are unsuccessful in selling your vehicle then the contract can be ended at any time and with no penalty. In fact we are so confident in what we do that if we do not sell the car, there is no fee whatsoever.

Please ask us about this service today.

Rare Car Finder in Sheffield

We want you to find us rare cars from throughout the whole of the U.K. Our offer is, you contact us with the details of a classic or supercar find and if we buy it then we will pay you 10% of its final vales, for example, if way pay £100.000 for a classic car, we will also pay you £10.000, all we need to know is what and where it is, we will do the rest, all details can remain confidential if you prefer, you do not need to discuss anything with the seller if you wish to remain anonymous contact us now before someone else does, don't delay, call today.

Classic Cars Wanted in Sheffield

Help us find Classic Car Barn finds, Garage finds, you may know of an incomplete project, forgotten CLASSIC CARS, forgotten about cars that you have been meaning to seller you know of, contact us for the very best price, total confidence assured, all classic and supercars considered, from Mini to Ferrari we want them all and pay £10% of the value to anyone who finds us a car that we buy.  We are always looking to buy the following cars Ferrari 355, Ferrari 550, Ferrari 360, Ferrari 308, Ferrari 328, Ferrari Dino, Ferrari Enzo, Jaguar E type, Jaguar D type, Jaguar C type, Aston Martin DB4, Aston Martin DB5, Aston Martin DB6, Aston Martin Vanquish, Austin Healey 100, Austin Healey 3000, Porsche 911, Porsche 928, Porsche Speedster, Mercedes SL, Lamborghini Gallardo, Morgan, Ford Cosworth, Ford RS, Ford Sierra Cosworth, Ford Escort Cosworth, VW Golf Gti, VW Scirroco Gti, VW Corrado

Call now or use our email contact form.

Earn Money For Finding Classic and Rare Cars in Sheffield

It's a simple process, contact us today with your rare car find and if we buy it we pay you 10% of the value of the price we have paid, if we pay £50,000 then you receive £5000.00 after we have bought it, you don't even need to know the vendor, just provide as much detail as possible.

Sell my classic car in Sheffield

Wanting to sell your Classic Car or have a classic car to sell? Please either complete our online form or contact our buying team now on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for the best valuation on buying your Classic Car

Buy my classic car in Sheffield

Do you want us to buy your Classic car , either complete our online valuation form or call our buying team now on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for the best valuation on buying your Classic Car, were offer a national and international buying service for all classic cars regardless of age or condition

Sell my supercar in Sheffield

Have a Supercar for sale in Sheffield? Regardless of age or condition we are premium buyers of Supercars from Ferrari Dino to Lamborghini Aventador we offer the very best price for your supercar , contact our buyers immediately for a fast valuation on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 or complete our valuation form or click here and we will contact you with a firm price for your car

Buy my Supercar in Sheffield

Do you want us to buy your Supercar , either complete our online valuation form or call our buying team now on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for the best valuation on buying your Classic Car, were offer a national and international buying service for all classic cars regardless of age or condition, click the link to go to our valuation form

Sell my classic supercar in Sheffield

Wanting to sell your Classic Supercar or have a classic car to sell? Please either complete our online form or contact our buying team now on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for the best valuation on buying your Classic Supercar Car click the link

Buy my classic supercar in Sheffield

We want to buy your Classic Supercar regardless of age or condition we are a national company who will buy your Classic Supercar at premium prices, for the best value for your Classic Supercar contact our buying team now on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 click the link

Buy my Ferrari in Sheffield

As the premium Ferrari Buyer in Blackpool please allow us the opportunity to offer you the very best price for your ferrari , We love to Buy Ferrari 355, We love to Buy Ferrari 550, We love to Buy Ferrari 360, We love to Buy Ferrari 308, We love to Buy Ferrari 328, We love to Buy Ferrari Dino, We love to Buy Ferrari Enzo and are happy to consider buying all Ferrari models

Sell my Ferrari in Sheffield

We love to buy Ferrari including buying Ferrari 355, We love to Buy Ferrari 550, We love to Buy Ferrari 360, We love to Buy Ferrari 308, We love to Buy Ferrari 328, We love to Buy Ferrari Dino, We love to Buy Ferrari Enzo and are happy to consider buying all Ferrari models

Sell my Porsche in Sheffield

We Buy Porsche, all models required , if you wish to sell a Porsche , either contact our buying team now on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for the best valuation on buying your Classic Supercar Car click the link we are premium buyers of Porsche

Buy my Porsche in Sheffield

Have a Porsche to sell ? we are Premium Porsche Buyers we are the best buyers for your Porsche, look no further just contact our buying team on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for the best valuation on buying your Porsche Car click the link

Buy my Aston Martin in Sheffield

If you are considering selling or buying Aston Martin DB4, Aston Martin DB5, Aston Martin DB6, Aston Martin DB7 AND Aston Martin DB9 OR Aston Martin Vanquish contact today , we are expert buyers of Aston Martin click the link to complete our fast valuation form

Buy my Masarati in Sheffield

If you are considering selling or buying your Masarati contact us today , we are expert buyers of Masarati click the link to complete our fast valuation form

Sell my Masarati in Sheffield

If you are considering selling or buying your Masarati contact us today , we are expert buyers of Masarati click the link to complete our fast valuation form

Buy my Bentley in Sheffield, We buy Bentley, Sell my Bentley

If you are considering selling or buying your Bentley contact us today , we are expert buyers of Bentley click the link to complete our fast valuation form

Sell my Aston Martin in Sheffield

Selling an Aston Martin? We buy Aston Martin and pay premium prices contact our buying team on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for the best valuation on buying your Porsche Car click the link for a fast value and prompt payment

Sell my Rare Car in Sheffield

Rare car to sell, we buy Rare Cars , Classic cars , Classic Supercars from Ford Escort Rs to Ferrari California we are the premium bar of all sport and performance cars ,old or new, contact our buying team now on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for the best valuation or Car click the link

Buy my rare car in Sheffield

Rare car to sell, we buy Rare Cars , Classic cars , Classic Supercars from Ford Escort Rs to Ferrari California we are the premium bar of all sport and performance cars ,old or new, contact our buying team now on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for the best valuation or Car click the link

Buy my Lamborghini in Sheffield

We buy Lamborghini, as Premium buyers of Lamborghini please contact us today for a fast valuation and prompt payment we want to hear from you today either contact our buying team now on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for the best valuation on buying your Lamborghini or click the link

Sell My Lamborghini in Sheffield

Looking to sell your Lamborghini, as premium finders for Lamborghini we want to buy your car, contact our buying team now on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for the best valuation on buying your Lamborghini or click the link

We buy investment cars in Sheffield

Have an investment car you wish to sell, try us today as we are premium buyers of investment cars including Ferrari 355, Ferrari 550, Ferrari 360, Ferrari 308, Ferrari 328, Ferrari Dino, Ferrari Enzo, Jaguar E type, Jaguar D type, Jaguar C type, Aston Martin DB4, Aston Martin DB5, Aston Martin DB6, Aston Martin Vanquish, Austin Healey 100, Austin Healey 3000, Porsche 911, Porsche 928, Porsche Speedster, Mercedes SL, Lamborghini Gallardo, Morgan, Ford Cosworth, Ford RS, Ford Sierra Cosworth, Ford Escort Cosworth, VW Golf Gti, VW Scirroco Gti, VW Corrado

We sell investment cars

We are consistanly looking to buy investment cars and as premium buyers we are currently looking to buy Ferrari 355, Ferrari 550, Ferrari 360, Ferrari 308, Ferrari 328, Ferrari Dino, Ferrari Enzo, Jaguar E type, Jaguar D type, Jaguar C type, Aston Martin DB4, Aston Martin DB5, Aston Martin DB6, Aston Martin Vanquish, Austin Healey 100, Austin Healey 3000, Porsche 911, Porsche 928, Porsche Speedster, Mercedes SL, Lamborghini Gallardo, Morgan, Ford Cosworth, Ford RS, Ford Sierra Cosworth, Ford Escort Cosworth, VW Golf Gti, VW Scirroco Gti, VW Corrado

Buy my Lotus in Sheffield

As Lotus Buyers we are looking for Lotus , from Lotus Carlton, Lotus eleven, Lotus Europa, Lotus Esprit, Lotus Elite, Lotus Elan and Lotus Elise we are the best buyers for Lotus contact our buying team now on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for a valuation

Buy my Austin Healey in Sheffield

Classic and Supercar buyers are best buyers for Austin Healey contact our buying team now on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991for a valuation we are looking to buy the following Austin Healey 100, Austin Healey 3000 but will consider all Austin Healey

Buy my Jaguar in Sheffield

As premium Jaguar Buyers, Classic And Supercar Buyers buy and supply Jaguar including Jaguar E type, Jaguar D type, Jaguar C type if you are considering selling any of these models call our buying team now on on 01253 723411 or 07831 440991 for a valuation